Captain’s Log

Blue Boat Log is going away 😭
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

Blue Boat Log is going away 😭

Our favorite passage tracking app, Blue Boat Log, is shutting down in a few months, so we’ll be slowly shifting our saved data to this blog. For this track, we had to move to a better protected anchorage due to the shifting wind directions that were coming our way.

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Preparing for a Cold Front
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

Preparing for a Cold Front

There is a cold front in the forecast and the winds will be coming from the Northeast. We finished provisioning, got propane in one of our tanks, and filled our aft water tank and part of our forward tank. We were able to move and drop anchor before the sun set, preparing for the blow!

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Provision Day!
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

Provision Day!

Accessing George Town proper is done by entering through a small cut that connects Kidd’s Cove Anchorage to Lake Victoria, where the dinghy docks can be found. We moved over from near Chat & Chill Beach to have closer access to provision, get water, fill propane, and more.

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George Town!
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

George Town!

We’ve finally arrived at Grand Exuma where George Town is located. The way this place has been described, it is the Mecca of family cruisers in the Bahamas. We dropped anchor right next to our friends on SV Atlas VII 🇨🇦 who we haven’t seen in ages. This also puts us near the Chat & Chill, which we keep hearing about. Time to find out what George Town is all about!

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Trying all the anchorages 😆
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

Trying all the anchorages 😆

The wind made our anchorage uncomfortable, but honestly, there’s not a lot of protection out here for South East winds. We checked a few new spots, but they all seemed pretty rolly. We’ll try Cave Cay for the day and see how it does. The winds should calm down (and spin) tonight, so we’ll see what happens. Hopefully we have calm waters to aim for George Town tomorrow!

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Oven Rock
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

Oven Rock

After enjoying the AWESOME laundromat at Black Point along with some great restaurants, we are ready to move again! We’ll check out the cave at Oven Rock.

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Super Bowl in the Bahamas
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

Super Bowl in the Bahamas

We had fun seeing the iguanas this morning. Then we raised anchor and enjoyed a short sail. Now it’s time to prepare for the Super Bowl! We’ve moved over to Black Point Anchorage and are going to be able to meet up with our friends Alicia, Adam, and Marlin on SV Wander.

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Bitter Guana Cay
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

Bitter Guana Cay

After provisioning and topping off our water, we again left Staniel Cay, this time heading for Bitter Guana. This cay is home to the endangered Northern Bahamas Rock Iguana Sanctuary.

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Thomas Cay
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

Thomas Cay

We finally got our propane tank back (and filled!) from the general store. We moved to Thomas Cay to get a change of scenery and spend time with friends from SV Juneiff.

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Heading South: A Farewell to the Bay of Five Pirates
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

Heading South: A Farewell to the Bay of Five Pirates

As the sun set, we pulled up anchor and left the Bay of Five Pirates, setting our course for the Exumas. Before heading out, Ewan got in one last boat-kid adventure—fishing with friends in the bay—while we enjoyed one more round of Bahamian wings at the marina. We added our boat sticker to the ice chest, marking our time here, and after a final Grill & Chill, we moved outside the bay, ready for the next leg of our journey!

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Back to Anchor: Farewell to Marina Life (and So Much Pizza!)
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Back to Anchor: Farewell to Marina Life (and So Much Pizza!)

After a few extensions at the marina, it’s finally time to get back on anchor! The past two weeks have been full of beach days, epic pizza nights, new and old friends, and even some homemade burger buns. Now, with full fuel tanks and one last Grill & Chill night planned, we’re ready to head back out when the weather is right.

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Checking Into The Bahamas at Great Harbour Cay
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

Checking Into The Bahamas at Great Harbour Cay

After a long 85-nautical-mile journey, we arrived at Great Harbour Cay and anchored outside the harbor for the night. The next morning, we pulled into a slip at Great Harbour Marina, cleared customs, and proudly raised our Bahamian courtesy flag. We’re officially checked in—let the adventure begin!

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Bahamas for 2025!
Boat Tracks Alison Major Boat Tracks Alison Major

Bahamas for 2025!

The water was more uncomfortable than anticipated, so we made the decision to stop at West End instead of Great Harbour Marina for checkin. Since we arrived after 6pm, we can’t check in, so we pulled into Ginn Sur Mer in the dark.

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