Checking Into The Bahamas at Great Harbour Cay
Traveling from West End to Great Harbour Cay, the largest of the Berry Islands.
Raising our courtesy flag now that we are checked in!
After catching some much-needed rest from our rocky entry into Bahamian waters, we continued on to Great Harbour Cay—our official check-in point for the Bahamas.
The passage was a long one: nearly 85 nautical miles covered in 15 hours. By the time we arrived, we had decided to anchor just outside the protected harbor rather than navigate the cut in the dark. Sleep was the priority!
The next morning, we pulled into a slip at Great Harbour Marina and checked in with customs. With our paperwork in order, we raised our Bahamian courtesy flag—officially checked in and ready for the adventure ahead!
Fair winds and island time await. 🌴⛵️