Blue Boat Log is going away 😭

Welp, we found out that our favorite boat track app, Blue Boat Log, is shutting down. The app’s author was kind enough to offer full data exports of all of our tracks, and we’ve been recording our passages in this app since 2021.

I’ve got a big export of awesome data to work through, and since we sometimes treated our logs in that app as a mini-blog, I figured I’d share them here. They will be tagged with Blue Boat Log and categorized as Boat Tracks. I’ll be adding and back-dating them, so you’ll see blog posts appearing on past dates over time. Regardless, it’ll give you more content here, and it’s a fun way for us to have this information somewhere.

More Wind…

Boat Track from Sand Dollar Beach Anchorage to Kidd's Cove Anchorage

George Town, Exumas, Bahamas - Moving from Sand Dollar Beach Anchorage to Kidd’s Cove Anchorage, near town.

More wind was coming and shifting all the way around, so we needed to move back to the anchorage near the George Town dinghy dock (near town, groceries, water, and fuel). The charts show shallow water here, but it was deep enough for our shoal keel.

There was one squall that boaters were reporting had winds spiking to about 37 knots, but it wasn’t too bad by us. We monitored VHF channel 68 and heard a handful of boats that were in the anchorage we had left and another on that side of the bay that were dealing with dragging and having to keep a close eye on each other. We felt the wind and rain in our anchorage, but our ground tackle held firm.

Alison Major

Alison Major is an author, experienced sailor, and the founder of Loop Life Academy, dedicated to helping families navigate the adventures of America’s Great Loop. With over a decade of remote work experience leading international technology and software engineering teams, she brings her expertise to the nautical world.

Alison lives full-time aboard a 2005 Beneteau 423, SV Fika, with her husband, Chris, and their two children. She has sailed over 7,000 nautical miles. She writes about remote work, cruising, and family life aboard, sharing practical insights for those embracing a nomadic lifestyle. Her most recent book is Remote Work Afloat. An educator and lifelong learner, she teaches Software Architecture to graduate students and mentors cruisers, providing guidance on life's technical and logistical aspects on the water.

Exploring the Art Trail Near Sand Dollar Anchorage


Preparing for a Cold Front