Holland Sentinel Article

No turning back now! It's in print!

To read the article below online, you can check it out at the Holland Sentinel website.

Image of front page portion of the newspaper article about the family moving to their sailboat.
The remaining portion of the article about the family moving to their sailboat to explore the Great Loop.

Alison Major is an experienced sailor and the founder of Loop Life Academy, dedicated to helping families navigate the adventures of America's Great Loop. With over a decade of remote work experience leading international technology and software engineering teams, Alison brings her expertise to the nautical world. Living full-time aboard a 2005 Beneteau 423 with her husband, Chris, and their two children, she has sailed over 7,000 nautical miles. An educator and lifelong learner, Alison teaches Software Architecture to graduate students and passionately shares practical cruising insights and homeschooling resources for nomadic families exploring the waterways of the Eastern United States.


Our Boating History: From Small Sails to America's Great Loop


The Benefits of Kids Living on a Sailboat