Finding the Right Boat for Our Great Loop Adventure
Getting ready for the Great Loop Adventure as a family is exciting. But before we could set sail, we had the task of finding the perfect boat to be our trusty companion on this big journey. We wanted a vessel that would tick all the boxes for comfort, functionality, and unforgettable experiences. It was like searching for a needle in a haystack, but we were up for the challenge and determined to find the right boat for us.
As a family of four, we had a lot to consider when selecting the right boat for our Great Loop Adventure:
Loop requirements
Living requirements
Boat equipment and layout preferences
Choosing the right boat involved drawing lessons from our previous sailing experiences. We started small with Catalina 22s and gradually upgraded to a Catalina 30, which we initially thought would be our starting Loop boat. However, as we dove deeper into our family's needs and work commitments, we knew the Catalina 30's layout wouldn't offer the desired comfort level.
Our first Catalina 22 offered a barebones vessel that gave us learning opportunities and fun as we tested out family sailing.
To simplify our boat selection process, we developed a priority hierarchy. We first outlined the essential Loop requirements, such as draft, vessel height, and fuel capacity. Then we carefully considered our living requirements, including cabin space, sleeping arrangements, and essential amenities. We were looking for a boat that could accommodate our family's need for personal space, with dedicated bedrooms and a functional galley and head.
Additionally, we identified specific features and equipment we wanted for sailing and passage-making, such as the ability to single-hand the boat during passages. This would allow one adult to manage the boat while the other attended to other responsibilities or needs.
Catalina 22s are a fun way to learn basic sailing as a family, camp out, and have fun on the water together.
Armed with our hierarchy, we ventured into the vast sea of boat options. It was crucial to evaluate each vessel's suitability for the Loop while considering practicality and affordability. We discussed the advantages of sailboats, like their lower fuel consumption due to wind power. We acknowledged the challenges associated with catamarans, especially their wider beams impacting docking and anchoring choices. And while trawlers are a popular boat choice for the Loop, we wanted to be able to sail and explore, not only during the Loop but beyond our trip.
Living aboard our Catalina 30 for several weeks helped us see where we would be stretched and what we could make work living aboard together. While we could start the Loop in this boat, a larger vessel with three cabins would be a vast improvement for our comfort levels.
After much exploration, our boat selection journey led us to the Beneteau 423, which almost perfectly aligned with our family's requirements and sailing aspirations. This vessel struck an ideal balance between comfort, functionality, and cost-effectiveness for our Great Loop Adventure.
Choosing the right boat for our Great Loop Adventure requires careful consideration of our unique needs and preferences. We successfully navigated the sea of boat options by creating a hierarchy based on Loop requirements, living necessities, and sailing features. We found our perfect match in the Beneteau 423.
Our Beneteau 423 with the 3-cabin layout has been a great fit for us as a family.
Remember, selecting your ideal boat is a personal journey heavily influenced by your circumstances and aspirations. Embrace the excitement of finding the vessel that speaks to you, and may your chosen boat become a steadfast companion throughout your Great Loop Adventure.